Everybody in the Pool

May 19, 2024    Pastor Olin Richey

In the sermon titled "Witness to Truth" by Pastor Olin Richey, he explores the theme of glorifying Jesus while using the narrative from John 5:1-47 as a backdrop. He advocates the idea of being a genuine follower of the gospel truth, enabling the congregation to create disciples. The sermon commences with Jesus healing an invalid at a pool in Bethesda on Sabbath, pointing out the tension it causes with the Jewish leaders who perceive it as a violation of the Sabbath law. Pastor Olin elaborates on three critical points derived from this account. He firstly underscores the earnest desire to be healed, affirming that Jesus has the power to mend not just the body but also spiritual and emotional brokenness, given we show faith and seek His intervention. Richey's second point underlines Jesus' authority emanating from his fundamental identity as God's Son. This means that Jesus had the authority to dissolve religious boundaries, judge mankind, bestow eternal life, and hence deserves to be recognized and revered in our lives as disciples. Finally, he emphasizes the importance of scripture in accepting Jesus as the Messiah. Richey notes the paradox of the Jewish leaders who studied the scriptures fervently yet denied Jesus' Messiahship. He succinctly states that belief and faith in Jesus are imperative for salvation and eternal life and urges his congregation not only to hear God's word but also to follow it and pursue His will. Pastor Richey concludes the sermon by reminding the audience to glorify Jesus through seeking His healing, acknowledging His authority, and having faith in His divine sonship. His ultimate message encourages everyone to walk the path of active and obedient discipleship.